carlene ardella

Friday, April 4, 2008

Web 2.0: For the User, By the User

I still remember the excitement of my father bring home our first VCR. The functions were dizzying - would actually record television shows in the middle of the night, when we are fast asleep? Finally, it is exactly what we needed! Or have we?
Sadly we only mastered the art of the lease and playing movies. Confusion unclear directions made our interest in learning the finer points of our VCR functions. Papa rightly argued that the corporate-design labs and family dens have different standards for what could happen " as user-friendly ". We used the video recorder suited our needs because it ignores, while its more complex functions.
Some technologies, and many years later " " user is back to define, in digital terms, what loosely is referred to as Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is the latest generation of the Internet. It is the ideal market for the users and advertisers alike: it is now Adsense, DoubleClick; blogs live, as opposed to static Web pages.
That lack of user friendliness, which to us by our VCR Mastering is similar to what the Web 1.0 stuff large, yet unrealized potential for online advertisers. Players in the Web 1.0 could not help but stumble through the trial-and-error process before the start of the newer, more user-friendly technology, which we see in today& 39;s Internet.
The first Internet bubble five years ago is littered with Web 1.0 wreck. It is strange how many of us qualify as short sighted animals - some of us thought the Internet had actually borders. Okay, at least I thought the Internet had actually borders. Wall Street, too. But stock prices do not measure progress, which they measure only the last word on the mood of investors.
& 39; Web 2.0 & 39; is a concept of a tech conference in 2004 with the same name. It describes a loose second coming of the Internet, a rebirth to replace the slag shed in the bubble burst of 2000-2001. Web 2.0 is distinguished by its increased benefits for the user. Instead of a selected group of Web gurus, Linux users in its development. As you read these words, cynics, comics, dissenters and scan the horizon for Bubble 2.0, but as far as I can tell, it is still not arrived. Knock on Wood.
This Web 2.0 business is a sensitive issue for some dissatisfied. While some are trying to identify a Web 3.0 (keyword Overkill?), While others feel that a central feature of the Web 2.0 paradigm, the democratization of the Internet space, & 39; s, was doomed to fail .
While as one of the Web-2, 0 & 39; favourites because of their open-source success in the online encyclopedia also receives criticism for the very same reasons. It is the handiest resources, and has skyrocketed in popularity. What & 39; s more, users always back to the city after they have established an impressive quality. It & 39; s in the top 25 most heavily trafficked sites - not bad for a site that does not advertise. Just as another free site, whose popularity is not visible precipitation in advertising: Google.
Wikipedia & 39; services are free. Its content is also provided by Internet users. However, and built by amateurs, Wikipedia is therefore vulnerable to the weaknesses of the amateur contribution. Recently, a search falsely Tennessean as well as in connection with the Kennedy assassinations, a joke perpetrated by an employee. The open-ended format sheets as possible mischief.
The beauty of the open-source format is not in question, but there are more questions than potentially spotty performance, the occasional string or office. To search, due to their open nature, smothered the chances for a successful and professionally authoritative online encyclopedia. The market will simply not be there. How is it treated many as the first stop before searching elsewhere for what perhaps more credible.
I & 39; m not sure how the silent hurt that people may feel from each oncoming rush of online democracy, but I can guarantee that a stance against the influx of Web 2.0 is unsuccessful effort. Still, some stuck in the old ways and will continue to try and stamp their vision of the way things should be based on the changing realities and the new freedoms of the Internet.
The autumn 2005 issue of the magazine sales, " The Performance Marketing Standard ", featured an interview with Marketing Board of OgilvyOne North America, an online advertising division of the traditional advertising giant Ogilvy Mather &. Throughout the interview the executive uses industry jargon too liberal platitudes slather advertising in almost total disregard for the questions raised about her. In other words, it is the treatment of the Internet market, as it should be a TV audience. That is 1.0.
The reader can not miss an unintended subtext entwined in their jibber jabber. In response to a question about why advertising agencies are slow to adapt to change, the online advertising claims that the agencies, particularly Ogilvy, in fact, the leading " revolution and the " need to understand Push to their targets. I am not their fault no more than I blame politicians, whose job forces them regularly make statements that interest me wince. But her statement embodies as the first push, or Web 1.0, not storm the castle of Internet success.
In TV or radio-you push the attack, and your goal. Web 1.0 advertising agencies tried to identify and push their ads on their targets. She studied user behavior and plotted in it with " " effective advertising. What constitutes effective " " were non-contextual pop-ups and banners. The aggressive Poppers of Web 1.0 is not in the quality of CTR, but they bred surfers angry. To blunt, this method not, and still does. A Web-2, 0 way of thinking assumes that our " " goal to the extent that we can bring our goal. The user finds the smart advertisers and the advertisers will be ready. It& 39;s easy, it is looking for. started as a fully online advertising agency. As with any on-line advertising agency, we are with our efforts to Internet users the mood. In regard to the reality of the Web 2.0, we find that the Internet users that the voice of the public, is in fact the driver of the revolution " ". The rules here are different. Our dialogue with customers, not from the plot to convince the public about everything. Our task, in full accordance with a Web-2, 0 flow, it is as appealing and advertisers to web searchers as possible.
Here, & 39; goes with the flow " means that the understanding of the viewfinder or Internet users, steers the boat. We do not want them with ads. Instead, we prepare for advertisers to users. And thank God, the Web 2.0 viewfinder is ready for e-commerce in a manner to the Web 1.0 never were. The proof: SEO and SEM works.
Free contents are also free. The Internet is more than anything else, a mass network of individuals, a simpler and easier to go to them in skirting the traditional guardians of the gate. The trick is to provide users come to you when they are ready, on their mandate. That is exactly what we do best. For better or worse, 2.0 Web is here to stay. The wise will find out how to participate. For the rest, there are video recorder.

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