carlene ardella

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Speed up your PC with more Memory

One of the factors that will determine how fast your PC runs is the amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) that is in your system. The reason for this is because if you have a small amount of memory for the application programs you are running, the PC will be spending time (processor time) swapping information in and out of the limited amount of memory to your hard drive. Processor time spent swapping data in and out of memory is time that could be spent performing the activities of your running applications. If more memory is added to the system (assuming space is available) then more applications and or their data can remain in memory, reducing the amount of time wasted swapping information in and out of memory.
If your PC is a few years old and now appears to be running slower than it did when it was new, this is probably because new software or software upgrades that you have added to the system are putting evermore demands on the available memory.
If you want to get some idea if memory might be a problem for your slow PC, then check your PC s RAM usage by opening the Windows Task Manager. You can start the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del at the same time (Vista users will have to click Start Task Manager) and then click the Performance tab. If the figure next to Available (or Free in Vista) in the Physical Memory section is getting close to zero, for example if only 10% or so of your PC memory is available, you probably need more RAM.
In general a standard Windows XP user will find that 1GB of RAM should give them satisfactory system performance. For users who run lots of demanding applications simultaneously or they do a lot of working with digital video or other large graphics files then they should have 2GB of RAM or more.
If you are planning to upgrade your PC to run Windows Vista, you can run this operating system with 1GB of RAM, but for a better Windows Vista experience then 2GB of RAM is recommend.
Having decided that you need to increase the amount of RAM in your system to improve its performance you then have the following questions to answer:-
1. Are there any empty memory card slots available in your system?
2. Will I have to remove some of the current memory to make room for new memory?
3. What type of memory does your system require?
4. Is your PC using dual-channel memory, if so then you must install a pair of memory cards for maximum performance?
You could read your PC s manual to answer these questions and others, but the easiest thing to try first is to surf to one of the reliable RAM manufacturer s website using the PC you wish to upgrade. The main RAM supplier websites have online tools for identifying the right RAM for the PC you are using to surf to their website. These tools can tell you what memory you are currently using, if you have any empty memory slots and what upgrade options are available.
Using these online tools can clearly show you your upgrade options and really helps your to know that you are buying the correct memory for your system.
When you receive your new memory you will then have to read your PC manual to understand how to open up your PC and correctly insert the new memory. One thing you should be aware of when handling memory is that static electrical can damage these memory items and your PC s other delicate circuits. That is why you should read your manual as it should explain that you must earth yourself to the metalwork inside your PC, before removing your new memory from its protective covering and adding or removing items inside your PC.
Click the following link for examples of online tools to identify your memory upgrade options.
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